While Virtual Training Associates (VTA) does not specialize in diversity, equity and inclusion training, we do teach ethical coursework that is quite allied such as the prevention of sexual harassment, related societal issues such as pay parity, gender equality and ethical training. Can You Teach This? We are often asked if these topics can be


It was about a year ago, as the first vaccines were in development (and we were mostly locked-down) that virtual training expert Dr. RK Prasad, made several bold predictions for the future of virtual training and eLearning in general. In view of what Virtual Training Associates (VTA) has learned in the past year, I feel


When Everyone is “In Love” with a Technology The Association for Talent Development has been in business since the early 1940s and they are a prestigious organization that encourages employee development. The group recently concluded a market research study showing that in the COVID lockdown period, “98 percent of organizations used virtual classrooms to deliver


If 2020 was the year of the virtual lockdown, we at Virtual Training Associates (VTA) predict that 2021 will be the year of the “Virtual Hybrid.” Disappointments and Triumphs? In 2020, virtual training technologies skyrocketed out of necessity. Wall Street found companies such as Zoom and true to its name, it skyrocketed. Of course, there


Don’t bulldoze your presentation. As a virtual and in-person trainer and Hall of Fame keynote speaker, I have certainly seen my share of virtual training sessions that have fallen flat. It is not necessarily a problem with the speaker, but with the speaker’s inability to change from the in-person dynamic to the smaller screen. At


How important are the connections? Recently, I came across a website devoted to teaching, teachers and trainers. There is, of course, no end to those sites but as a virtual ethics trainer and ethics consultant, I am always desirous of learning more. An article that piqued my interest (by its title alone!) was “What I


The Data Points Approximately four months into 2021, many corporations still don’t understand where we are going. We are between vaccinated and unvaccinated, open and closed, recovery and hesitation. We know that things are changing and that life will never be quite the same. Some feel that learning in 2020 was a blur and a


Face-to-Face vs Virtual As we are slowly and cautiously emerging from the COVOID-19 pandemic, to hear people talk about virtual training, is almost to believe that businesses and nonprofits have somehow been doomed to learning in this manner. Virtual learning, believe it or not, has been shown to have been as effective, or even better


Virtual Absurdity of 2020 Summed Up In Just Two Stories Two totally absurd stories came across my virtual desk this virtual morning that were simultaneously hilarious and sad, depending on your mood on any virtual day. The first story concerns “bookcases.” This is not code. Bookcases. Apparently, a big trend among expert virtual trainers, professors,

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