It has now been eight years since Forbes ran a piece by Psychologist Sebastian Bailey entitled: “How To Beat The Five Killers Of Virtual Working.” Dr. Bailey listed the five as:   Lack of everyday non-verbal, face to face communication Lack of social interaction Lack of Trust Cultural Clashes Loss of Team Spirit Have We


What Is Beneficial About a Virtual Ethics Training Program? As president of Virtual Training Associates (VTA), the question about the benefits of a virtual training program for ethics comes across my computer screen most every day. While “in-person” training is again being discussed, it will be a long time, if ever, that we will see


Follow Up on a Virtual Training At Virtual Training Associates, we like to end each virtual meeting on business ethics, sports ethics or talks on sexual harassment with a simple request: “Don’t just walk away from this meeting, follow-up on the lesson, it’s more important than you know.” In my experience, particularly during the lockdown,